1001 Genomes Tools
Tools for data download, visualization, and analysis.
A public database collection of Arabidopsis thaliana phenotypes.
Download sequences for specific genome regions for selected accessions.
View ADMIXTURE group membership.
Download Subsets of 1001 VCF Files.
Variant browser for 1135 accessions.
A public database catalog of Arabidopsis thaliana associations from published GWAS studies.
An easy way to identify your Arabidopsis thaliana plant.
Upload VCF variants and get closest accession included within the 1135 set.
Variant browser for 80 accessions.
An integrated interspecies platform for performing and comparing genome-wide association studies.
GWAPP enables reseachers working with Arabidopsis thaliana to do Genome Wide Association Mapping (GWAS) on their phenotypes.
Web services to access 1001 Genomes data.